Gregory H. Watson (2007), Strategic Benchmarking Reloaded with Six Sigma (New York: John Wiley and Sons).
Gregory H. Watson with Marcos E. J. Bertin (2007), Corporate Governance: Quality at the Top (Salem, NH: GOAL QPC Press).
Gregory H. Watson with Yoshio Kondo and Tito Conti (2006), Quality Tools and Methods for the Coming Century: Perspectives of the International Academy for Quality (Salem, NH: GOAL QPC Press).
Gregory H. Watson (2005), Design for Six Sigma: Innovation for Enhanced Competitiveness (Salem, NH: GOAL QPC Press).
Gregory H. Watson with Yoshio Kondo and Tito Conti (2003), Quality into the 21st Century: Perspectives on Quality and Competitiveness for Sustained Performance (Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press).
Gregory H. Watson (1994), Business Systems Engineering (New York: John Wiley & Sons).
Gregory H. Watson with Richard C. Palermo (1994), A World of Quality: The Timeless Passport (Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press).
Gregory H. Watson with Joseph M. Wexler (1993), The Benchmarking Management Guide (Portland, OR: Productivity Press).
Gregory H. Watson (1992), The Benchmarking Workbook (Portland, OR: Productivity Press).